Law Office of
Joseph Muller, PLLC


DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also called DACA, is a way for certain people brought to the US as a child to obtain work permits and temporary status. While DACA is not legally considered an immigration status, it is essentially a promise not to try to remove that person from the US. DACA is an important benefit because it has allowed hundreds of thousands of individuals to come out of the shadows and to support themselves and their families. The hope is that Congress will eventually pass legislation required to allow those with DACA to become permanent residents and get green cards, but so far this has not happened.

Renewing DACA in Austin, Texas

Most people with DACA can continue to file renewal applications at this time. It's always important to discuss any immigration case with an attorney because there may be other options available, and there may be risks to renewing DACA in certain cases.

The Law Office of Joseph Muller charges $500 to assist with DACA renewal applications. Schedule a consultation today to renew DACA.

Austin, Texas Immigration Lawyer Joseph Muller

Working with an experienced immigration lawyer is key to success in your case. Joseph Muller has helped hundreds of people with DACA applications and to review other options that might be available. Request a free consultation now to make sure that you’re on the right path.

Call now or schedule online to begin working with Joseph on your case.

What are the Recent Changes to DACA renewals?

There have been many changes in all areas of immigration during recent years. First, filing fees are increasing for many forms but NOT for DACA renewal applications. DACA renewals will continue to cost $495 ($410 work permit fee and $85 biometrics fee) even after October 2, 2020. USCIS decided not to increase the fees but also decided not to change the existing biometrics fee, so there will be no change. See new regulation 8 CFR 106.2(a)(32)(vi).

Recently, the Trump Administration issued a memo makeing some changes to DACA renewals. The DACA memo made some important changes. DACA renewals will now be issued only in one year increments, down from two years. USCIS will not be accepting DACA renewals more than 150 days prior to the expiration date on the work permit going forward. It is still recommended to file more than 120 days before in order to allow sufficient time to get the new work permit.

Can I file a first-time DACA initial application?

USCIS is rejecting initial DACA applications at this time. While there are legal challenges to the current situation, as of September 27, 2020, there are no significant changes. There could potentially be some benefit in the event that a court decides USCIS unlawfully prevented people from filing initial DACA applications. Currently, initial DACA applications will not be receiving work permits or any other benefits. Hopefully there will be a law passed by Congress at some point which will give people better options.

Austin immigration attorney is available to help with DACA renewal filings. To schedule a free consultation to discuss DACA, call (512) 593-8258 or use the online scheduler below.

News and Information about DACA

Everything you need to know about the DREAM Act 2021

How to Get a Green Card through Marriage with DACA or Deferred Action

USCIS Memorandum on Changes to the DACA Program, Termination of Initial DACA Applications

DACA Applications After the Supreme Court’s Decision

Supreme Court Holds that Trump Administration Unlawfully Terminated DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals